Monday, July 27, 2009

Books,Books and more Books!

After a long time i got a second chance to go to the famous blossoms book house in church street today.
Whenever i visit any book house,i usually try not to bring loads of books at a time,but the sheer number of sections the book house has makes me to spend lots of money on buying them.
Since it is the only place i can get them for a good bargain and at a second hand price,i usually end up buying the wholle works of a particular author.Blossom_BookShop_inside
Last time when i visited,i spent my time there through the whole afternoon through the rows on figuring out which ones i could buy for a reasonalble price.
To my luck i got the whole series of "Alias" in 7 parts which also happens to be my favourite telivison shows of all time apart from the oprah show.
Kenfollet's fictional  work caught my eyes this time and i ended up buying his entire works for a rockbottom price.For book lovers in bangalore church street is the mecca to get all the buks that you want!


  1. Wow. This is in Bangalore, very cool.

  2. Yeah its a good place to get bargains!rock bottom prices for many titles!
